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Chicken Katsu(日式炸鸡)的做法

Chicken Katsu(日式炸鸡)的做法2

Chicken Katsu(日式炸鸡)的食材和调料


Chicken Katsu(日式炸鸡)的做法与步骤

第1步.用黑胡椒和盐腌鸡肉 marinate the chicken breast with pepper and salt, and leave it for 30 minutes

第2步.准备好所有材料:面包屑, 鸡蛋液,面粉,鸡胸肉 prepare all ingredients you need: breadcrumbs, egg, flour, well-marinated chicken breast;

第3步.裹鸡肉(先蛋液,然后面粉,然后再裹一次蛋液,和面包屑),然后炸! cover the chicken breast firstly with egg, then flour, and then egg, and finally with breadcrumbs. The final stage is fry.

第4步.然后就是开吃了, 怕油腻的朋友们挤一些柠檬汁在上面,陪着米饭或者沙拉吃,非常好吃. The final step is to eat. It will taste fresher if it comes with some lemon and salad. And rice will always be a good partner for everything. Bon appétit!